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Diallo Telli Michael Moncur - Sitio Web Conmemorativo En Línea

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Diallo Moncur
Nacido enBahamas
40 years
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Nathan Mackey
Cuz I know you are in heaven looking down on us, we love you and will always keep you in our heart.
Sally Delancy
Never deny the power of a smile And his smile was powerful. It made you remember that life is for all those who embrace it.
Caroline Rolle
You were the first on the scene to rescue me after my accident. Your spirit remains with me always. R.I.P.
Kevin Greenslade
Sleep on cousin. Memories will forever live on in my heart.....
Aunt Retta
You were always eager to acknowledge your roots. You were one of us in every sense of the word. Miss you.
Aunt Mirie
I will remember your smile. It is so nice to belong to a family where everybody hurts one hurts. See you at the Grand Reunion.
Zelda M. Azor
Life is so precious, I cherish all the family reunion moments and your time spent in the USA.You are greatly missed. Prov. 3:5,6.
Ali Delancey
I am going to miss you bro, Your ideas and schemes,your perspective,you've lived life to the fullest.Thanks for everything
Lisa Minnis Mwesigwa
Diallo I will miss your unexpected visits to empty your pocket or mind with any dollar bill or verbal treasure you had. Love you
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