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Diallo Telli Michael Moncur - Site Memorial Online

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Diallo Moncur
Nascido emBahamas
40 years
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Sally Delancy An old friend September 29, 2006

When I heard the news it made me reflect on that smiling face that I had come to know from the Rand many years ago.

I say condolences to the family his parents his children but most importantly to the memory of a true pure heart.


Memories live longer than promises

Smiles last longer than tears

But when friends leave us for quiet times

peaceful conditions

It tears our hearts apart


So I say to you today

When the sun sets and your tears fade

Our love will live on forever

Not only in our hearts an mind but in the lives of all those whom he touched.


We love you my quiet smiling friend

Take your rest

For all things we remember you


My sincerest sympathies to the whole Family

Tonia M. Palmer Resting Just a While September 25, 2006

Death is just only a time to sleep and time means nothing during that period.  Well the time I got to know and talk to Diallo was very memorable in that he made you laugh and apart of what ever was going on at the time.  The beach picnics were not the same without Diallo joking around with the girls.


Rest on in Jesus; I hope to see you on that great getting up morning when the trump call shall be made.


Brian & Tonia and the girls Anthea and Adena 



Insp. Philip Don Wilson Sleep On My Friend September 24, 2006

Your sudden passing has no doubt brought home the message that we all must died someday. Your tenure this side is now completed, I trust that the heavenly angles will welcome you as you take the final flight journey to your resting place.


I salute you on behalf of the Royal Bahamas Police had assisted us tremendously in offering free EMS (Emergency Medical Services) lectures during my tenure at the Police Training College (1994- 1999).


Thank you Sir & look forward in seeing you soemday Mr. Cat Island !!!


Insp. Philip Don Wilson /    

Ceaserinia Hepburn Hold Onto God's Hand September 22, 2006

To: Eris, Janet and all the Moncur Family  Death has visited our family again, but only to remind us of God's love. God is an on time God who takes nothing but his own.  Our sorrow is Heaven's gain, we can only trust God and know that He will sustain us  I will be praying for you all as I am still in Anarbor, Michigan.I will be coming home for the funeral  From: Ceaserinia Hepburn and Family  

Cabrena Bowe Adderley God,s Beautiful Rose September 22, 2006

To: Eris Moncur and Family   Earth has no sorrow that Heaven cannot cure. God has promised not to give us more than we can bear, and he never makes a mistake. When he looked around his garden He must have noticed an empty space and decided that another beautiful rose bud was needed. Diallo my son I need you to fill that space.  Diallo being the person that he was stepped forward. We loved him but Jesus loved him best. I am praying for you all  From: Cabrena Bowe Adderley and Family, Freeport, Grand Bahama

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