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Diallo Telli Michael Moncur - Site Memorial Online

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Diallo Moncur
Nascido emBahamas
40 years
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Lisa Mwesigwa
This week I was saddened with the news of my cousin Diallo’s death.  I am still in shock, though every time I think of him I burst into smiles, reminiscing of our times together.

In a huge clan like ours it is easy to get lost in the multitude of 1st, 2nd, 3rd and even 4th cousins as we count the Benjamin and Mary Moncur tribe to the fourth generation.   In my earliest memories of Diallo I see him with an Encyclopedia or dictionary in hand "postulating" some new found words or discoveries (I know he would be happy with my new vocabulary:-).  I thought of him as a young Einstein, nerd, or philosopher, he always seemed to be stretching his thoughts and imagination to some higher heights.  My chest swelled up with pride as I watched him and his older brother Eris duke it out with the great minds on “It’s Academic”.  (Where did that show go?)

I can remember my first Junkanoo, Uncle Wendell took all the kids with him.  After a night raiding Grammy’s trunk of goodies and candy from mummy’s snack shop with “Papa Tolly” I was wired up for my all night adventure.  I wish I could say the same for my second and last time to Junkanoo.

It became a family tradition of sorts for all the family to eat Christmas dinner at Aunt Elva's then all the cousins would head out for Junkanoo.  I was so excited when I became sixteen and considered old enough to go with the other cousins to Junkanoo.  Diallo assigned himself to be my protector to guide me through the throng of people groping, pushing and fighting their way through the crowds.  I was traumatized by the huge crowds. Sensing my angst Diallo stayed real close to me to ensure that I would be okay, letting me know the whole time that, “I was ‘cramping’ his style.”

I can also remember a time when I thought I had first fallen in love and Diallo happened by when I was with my “intended” (as Grammy would say).  Diallo spared no words, “Lisa you can’t date that guy. I know a player when I see one.  That guy is too much like me.”  I learned so much about life from my cousins, many like Diallo, who were older became my surrogate big brothers.  Time and distance separate me from the ones I love most so I live in “yesteryear” as I remember so many of my family.

On my last trip home this summer mummy showed me the “death mark” on her thigh and warned that someone in our family was going to die.  I smirked a bit because coming from a tribe of close to 300 (and counting) with many aunts, uncles and cousins over 50 the probability of her prediction coming through was not that much of a stretch.  Many in our clan have passed the 3 score and 10 mark, or are getting there.  Yet I could not in wildest dreams think that my cousin, Diallo, would be the one to go next.

Diallo I will miss your wit, your genius, your sense of adventure, your strategic leadership sense, your generosity and your heart.

Original message sent Tuesday, Sept.15, 2006
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